Cafe World Wiki
Bacon Cheeseburger
  Level Unlocked at 1       
  Cost 15 Coins  
  Servings 13 Servings  
  Price per Serving 4 Coins  
  Total for all Servings 52 Coins  
  Ready in 5 mins Cooktime  
  Preparation CP 3 Cafe Points  
  Serving CP 3 Cafe Points  
  Total CP 6 Cafe Points  
Bacon Cheeseburger
Original Dish

When you first enter the cafe, you will have two ready-to-serve Bacon Cheeseburgers. This is the quickest recipe available, so you have to make sure to wait for it patiently, or it will get spoiled! Once it has been put on a stove, you cannot get rid of it until it is ready-to-serve!

Preparing the Dish[]

MENU Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.
Baconcheeseburger BaconCheeseburger-Prep1 BaconCheeseburger-Prep2 BaconCheeseburger-Prep3
Bacon Cheeseburger Slice Tomatoes Dice Bacon Shape Patties

Cooking the Dish[]

Stage 1. Stage 2. Stage 3. Finished! Spoiled!
BaconCheeseburger-Stage1 BaconCheeseburger-Stage2 BaconCheeseburger-Stage3 BaconCheeseburger-DoneCooking BaconCheeseburger-Spoiled
Grilling patties Melting Cheese Toasting Bun Completed Dish Spoiled Dish

Serving the Dish[]


Cooking Mastery[]

Bacon Cheeseburger Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Grand Total
Number 42 53 67 162
Coins 630 795 1,005 2,430
Time (dd hh:mm) 0 03:30 0 04:25 0 05:35 0 13:30
Cafe Points 126 159 201 486
Reward +1 servings +1 Cafe Points -0 00:01  


Event State Gift
Taste test bacon cheeseburger Taste Test BaconCheeseburger-GiftBox
Events give 100 servings.
Chef special bacon cheeseburger Chef Special

See also[]