Cafe World Wiki
Loco Moco
  Level Unlocked at        
  Cost 800 Coins  
  Servings 1050 Servings  
  Price per Serving 4 Coins  
  Total for all Servings 4200 Coins  
  Ready in 20 hours Cooktime  
  Preparation CP 18 Cafe Points  
  Serving CP 175 Cafe Points  
  Total CP 193 Cafe Points  
Loco Moco
Tiki Island Beach Dish

This dish was added 4th March 2010.

Preparing the Dish[]

MENU Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.
Locomoco LocoMoco-Prep1 LocoMoco-Prep2 LocoMoco-Prep3
Loco Moco Crack Eggs Grind Beef Steam Rice

Cooking the Dish[]

Stage 1. Stage 2. Stage 3. Finish! Spoiled!
LocoMoco-Stage1 LocoMoco-Stage2 LocoMocoStage3FryingEggs LocoMoco-DoneCooking
Steaming Rice Frying Burgers Frying Eggs Completed Dish Spoiled Dish

Serving the Dish[]



Event State Gift
Taste test loco moco (Someone) is hosting a FREE taste testing (Somewhere) today!

(Someone) just cooked some fantastic Loco Moco to start the day and can't wait to share them!

Chef special loco moco (Someone) just just cooked up an entire year's worth of Loco Moco in Cafe World!

(Someone)'s Chef's Special at (Somewhere) is Loco Moco, but it seems like everyone prefers Chicken Adobo! So (Someone) decided to give 100 dishes to each of his/her friends!

See Also[]

Loco Moco Gift