Cafe World Wiki
Rackasaurus Ribs
  Level Unlocked at 22       
  Cost 600 Coins  
  Servings 650 Servings  
  Price per Serving 4 Coins  
  Total for all Servings 2600 Coins  
  Ready in 10 hours Cooktime  
  Preparation CP 51 Cafe Points  
  Serving CP 120 Cafe Points  
  Total CP 171 Cafe Points  
Rackasaurus Ribs
Stone Age Dish

Preparing the Dish[]

  1. Chopping Ribs
  2. Spreading Sauce
  3. Mincing Peppers

Cooking the Dish[]

Stage 1. Stage 2. Stage 3. Finish! Spoiled!
RackasaurusRibsStage1SlowSmoking RackasaurusRibsStage2SlatheringSauce RackasaurusRibsStage3Browning
Slow Smoking Slathering Sauce Browning Completed Dish Spoiled Dish

Serving the Dish[]



Event State Gift
Taste test rackasaurus ribs (Someone) is hosting a FREE taste testing at (Somewhere) today!

(Someone) just made their first smoked ribs recipe: Rackasaurus Ribs! (Someone) wants to share his/her delicious results!


Chef special rackasaurus ribs (Someone) just smoked a stack of Rackasaurus Ribs in Cafe World!

(Someone)'s Chef's Special at (Somewhere) is Rackasaurus Ribs! (Someone)'s smoker just isn't large enough to hold them all, so (Someone) is giving 100 ribs away to each of his/her friends!

Notes of interest[]

The gift box will show 10 coins per serving, but this dish is definitely only 4 coins per serving.

See also[]

Rackasaurus Ribs Gift